Davidoff Millenium Cigars

Davidoff Millennium Cigars

Built on the persistance and vision of Zino Davidoff, this celebrated brand was first created in Cuba in 1946. When Davidoff decided his firm had to leave Cuba, he and Ernst Schneider looked to Hendrik Kelner, Master Blender, to meet their demands for taste and quality. Better made, with higher standards than the competition, Davidoff cigars are a milder, consistent cigar with beautiful wrappers. Kelner grows his tobacco from six different types of soil in the Yaque valley, and directly supervises the curing, fermentation, aging, making, and maturing processes. Diana has personally toured the Davidoff plantations, and can confirm that Kelner (whom she affectionately refers to as "Henki") knows as much about tobacco as anyone in the world and, in some instances, maybe more.

Davidoff Millenium Series

5 items
The Davidoff Millennium Series was introduced in 2001, offering a full-bodied taste in five elegant sizes. It is the best-selling Davidoff blend at Up Down Cigar. This group uses an Ecuadorian, sun-grown wrapper and has a double band.
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Davidoff Millenium Short Robusto Davidoff Millenium Short Robusto
Robusto -
52 Ring 4 1/4"
Each Cigar $23.10 sub5908_33284
Box of 20 $462.00 sub5908_33285

Davidoff Millenium Toro Davidoff Millenium Toro
Toro -
50 Ring 6"
Each Cigar $30.50 sub5941_33286
Box of 10 $305.00 sub5941_33287

Davidoff Millennium Petit Corona Davidoff Millennium Petit Corona
Petit Corona -
41 Ring 4 1/2"
Each Cigar $17.10 sub4779_33288
Box of 5 $85.50 sub4779_33289
Box of 25 $427.50 sub4779_33290

Davidoff Millennium Piramides Davidoff Millennium Piramides
Pyramid -
52 Ring 6 1/8"
Each Cigar $31.70 sub5550_33282
Box of 10 $317.00 sub5550_33283

Davidoff Millennium Robusto Davidoff Millennium Robusto
Robusto -
50 Ring 5 1/4"
Each Cigar $26.80 sub4780_33279
Box of 4 $107.20 sub4780_33280
Box of 25 $670.00 sub4780_33281

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We cannot ship to Utah or Hawaii. We comply with California Senate Bill 39. MUST BE 21 OR OLDER TO USE THIS SITE.
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Updown Cigar
All Rights Reserved.

You must be 18 years
or older to purchase tobacco
